Thursday, April 5, 2012

Mother, Man, Hands

Respecting the creators of this world is a great place to start when we want to give 100% to life.  First, we should cherish our beliefs, in whoever we feel, is our ultimate Creator. Beyond this, motherly beings and the Earth are to be cherished because of their abilities to create something of ever-lasting value.  When I say value, I speak of the essence of what we value, which is pure love, naturally created from the womb (each of us).
          We are all helping, and we all have our roles in the process of procreation.  I feel no role should be devalued because the process would be impossible without all of those who help.  If we honestly valued motherly beings, then the whole idea of ego would not exist.  Without ego, we would not have murder. Without murder, we would not have war. Without war, we would not have casualties, and every land would be one that is “holy.” And no land would be “full of holes.”
          No matter what your role may be, all men and women are blessed with the opportunity to help in the development of procreation.  All should accept and realize that there is no way to feel and understand roles that they are not. As a result of this fact, no one should feel their role is above or below another’s.
          As for men, their biological make-ups predetermine their roles, so this should be considered in one’s motivation to achieve happiness.  As for women, their biological make-ups determine one thing, but the universe’s sprit and destiny determines the rest.  One shall not think, “I am not a mother, so I shall act like a man.” Often when women think in this manner, they eventually face the common male struggle of ego.  Ego can only be a detriment to the process of procreation, and it depletes the energy and strength needed to love and support and cherish others.
In addition, women without biological children are in extremely powerful positions.  They possess the hearts and hands that are able to tap into the nurturing emotions of being a female, while they still maintain great level strength and balance.  The roles of humans are so fascinating and unique, but we all have one common denominator, and that is to our purpose to love and help others.

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