Thursday, April 5, 2012

An Outlet Within

          The idea of feeling free does not necessarily mean that one has to travel around the world, sleep with a bunch of different people, sky dive, or anything else one might normally identify with being free.  There is a greater need to find an “escape” or an “outlet.”  Feeling free starts from the inside, and there are people who have been imprisoned physically for years, yet their mental freedom has never been behind bars.
          In today’s fast paced culture, so many people are buying into ways to increase their “energy” and/or change their outer appearances by means such as antioxidants, trendy health regiments, special diets, ginseng, teas, drugs, surgeries, and so on.  Most can be very beneficial in our quests, but I must ask, “Why?” Why do we need an increase in energy? What do we want to accomplish with this increase? In my experiences, I find that we strive to either work or play more and harder so we can have more choices toward our “escapes” or “social outlets,” or at least a new appearance during these times.  In both cases, it comes back to the idea of “social outlets.” If we perceive our time with others in terms of our natural environments rather than “social outlets,” then we are at a greater advantage to support and grow with one another in a universal, mutual approach.
          An “outlet” refers to getting “something” out or some form of a release. But, if we were cultivating a positive social environment within ourselves first, followed by a healthy present reality, we would no longer be in need of getting “something” out.  We would just be in our natural state, which is being social.  To cultivate a healthy, positive environment, we first need to understand and release the negative energy infiltrating our spirits, damaging our minds, and exhausting our bodies. 

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